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Selects records that contain that word across all columns
If your search contains multiple words, each word is considered as an individual condition. Use the Options drop-down menu to specify the logical operator used to combine the conditions. AND Indicates that records are selected that contain all of the words. All words must exist. OR Indicates that records are selected that contain any of the words. A given word may exist.
Enclose your phrase in double-quotes ( " ) to treat it like a single word. The same conditions as above still apply, meaning you can search for multiple phrases.
Precede your word or phrase with "+" to indicate that this word or phrase must exist. There should be no space character between the "+" sign and your word/phrase. It is functionally the same as using AND condition from the Options drop-down menu, except that it only applies to that single word/phrase. Precede your word or phrase with "-" to indicate that this word or phrase must not exist. There should be no space character between the "-" sign and your word/phrase.
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